If you receive an interest in a partnership by reason of a former partner’s death, you must provide the partnership with your name and TIN. For treatment of partnership income upon the death of a partner, see Pub. If you are required to file Form 8082 but do not do so, you may be subject to the accuracy-related penalty. This penalty is in addition to any k1 definition tax that results from making your amount or treatment of the item consistent with that shown on the partnership’s return. Any deficiency that results from making the amounts consistent may be assessed immediately. If you have credits that are passive activity credits to you, you must complete Form 8582-CR in addition to the credit forms identified below.
Enter payments made to a qualified plan, SEP, or SIMPLE IRA plan on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 16. If the payments to a qualified plan were to a defined benefit plan, the partnership should give you a statement showing the amount of the benefit accrued for the current tax year. The partnership will report the dependent care benefits you received. You must use Form 2441, Part III, to figure the amount, if any, of the benefits you may exclude from your income.
Some of the amounts reported in this box may be attributable to PTEP in annual PTEP accounts that you have with respect to a foreign corporation and are therefore excludable from your gross income. Do not include the amount attributable to PTEP in your annual PTEP accounts on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 3a. If you have contributed property with a built-in gain or loss during the tax year, the partnership will check the “Yes” box. Also, the partnership will attach a statement showing the property contributed, the date of the contribution, and the amount of any built-in gain or loss.
This box also has an attached statement which shows all of your directly apportioned deductions. Report any foreign taxes paid by partners over the reporting period. Here you’ll report your share of any other rental income you earned from the partnership.